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Written By:
Directed By:

One year later.

Against his will Dodos is kept isolated in a golden cage, by the Greek Air Force. He is now used as a secret super weapon against hostile fighter jets, during aerial combats over the Aegean Sea, between the two age-old adversaries Greece and Turkey.

Vassilis has quit the Police Force and lives permanently at the Ashram with his family and Iris as his better half, finally enjoying a carefree life. He works as a caretaker, which the Commandos find pathetic since sedentary lifestyle doesn’t suit him. So, they challenge him to dust off his investigative skills and locate Dodos.

Kalogridi and Venetia visit Dracomichalis at the maximum security prison he is being held and make him a tempting offer; they are going to get him out, but under one condition. He has to help them find Dodos.

After everything he went through during season one, Giorgos has established a special connection with Aether during his astral projections. He is now able to summon and control the invisible force.

When Turkish fighter jets crash during an air combat against a Greek F16, with Dodos on board, Greece and Turkey declare war...

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